Business View Australia - November-December 2015 51
contact us, weprovide them information
and the costs and prices and so forth.
We interview them and they spend one
or two days out in the field with one of
the franchise owners and we set up the
training for them.
“We have got a couple of guys that are
ex-golf course greenkeepers. They do
not need much training in the actual
work to be done. But they may need
help in acquiring jobs, customer service,
looking after clients and marketing and
so forth.
“Others may have come from a middle
they do not need much help as far as
book-keeping or customer service is
concerned, but they need quite a lot of
help in the systems and in the actual
day to day job.
“They need expert help on how to
prune trees and bushes and how to
garden quickly and so forth. We tailor
the training package to suit individual
needs depending on the skill set that
they are bringing.”
Prospects and scope for
Fox Mowing plans that by 2023, within
10 years of its launch, it will have a total
of between 200 and 250 franchise
owners. It already has about 44 on
board and there is no reason why it
should not be able to meet this target.
From the date of its inception, the
company has very successfully adopted
onlinemarketing techniques. Itswebsite
is the source of a large portion of its
business. The coming years will see
more leads being generated through
this source as Fox Mowing is constantly
upgrading its web presence.
Thecompany’sonlineportal iscurrently
being renewed for the third time. After
the current revamp is complete it will
become more interactive and allow
customers to book jobs and pay online.
Having had a strong start, Fox Mowing
& Gardening is poised for great success
in the years ahead. Its business model
has attracted a number of franchise
owners who have enjoyed a rewarding
relationshipandhavebuilt upa lucrative
enterprise in the process. The company
is well on its way to realise its vision
of becoming the best franchised lawn
mowing and gardening business in the