Supporting Partner
Valenti Lawyer
s valentilawyers.com.aufacilities. Fardon explains: “We ac-
cepted the submission and got
with the concept. We were able to
receive funding from LotteryWest,
and buy tens of thousands worth
of gym and security equipment.”
For the Shire’s tomorrow
As Fardon and his colleagues contin-
ue in steering the Shire towards con-
tinued prosperity, he talks to us about
some of the needs and plans standing
at the helm of the Shire’s future:
“We would love better communica-
tions and many residents and exter-
nal businesses remain frustrated with
the number of telephone blackspots
they encounter, and the slow internet
speeds. We’re looking for grants to
strengthen this, but I know there’s a
bit of competition.”
Deviating from this, Fardon sensibly
explains the council’s strong, robust
strategic planning process which rec-
ognises both the local and regional in-
terests and promotes the sustainable
growth of the community and the re-
gion. Amidst meeting the community’s
expectations and making the most of
its own current assets, Quairading’s
council seems to be able to walk suc-
cessfully, the fine line of infrastructure
investment. ject, and managed to at-
tract a further $800,000, culminating
in vibrant new main pool, with a fun,
beach-entry for toddlers and kids, and
an aged friendly learn-to-swim pool.
Aqua-aerobics groups are already
scheduled to make regular use of the
facilities, with likely many more visitors
to follow.
“This will have a big positive impact,
and we have actually provided facilities
that are much more user-friendly and
in greater demand,” Fardon states.