that fascinatingly uses nanotechnolo-
“A lot of chemical tech is coming out
of Europe. We’ve got some here, and
by adding a few bits and pieces, we’ve
adapted them into some really great
Another way of making sure it keeps
up with the latest findings, need and
initiatives, is through the close net-
work the firm keeps with its represent-
atives. They are always reporting back
on what’s new, what the market is look-
ing for and what they’ve seen being pi-
oneered. Then, through a thoroughly
careful process of amending and test-
ing, CCI brings to life something unique
and really special.
Something in particular that Soden
tells us CCI are working on is a range
of products focusing on probiotics, an
field it very much believes is the fu-
ture of retail chemical based products.
He’s talking about all sorts of distinc-
tive products like leave-on mopping
solutions and disinfectants that are
entirely green-friendly.
“Only another couple of countries in