

Business View Oceania - October/November 2017
Schoolpartnershipsof the future Technological advancements are having a positive impact on almost every aspect of school life - from the classroom through to behind-the-scenes administrationareas.Parents,guardiansandstudentswanteasierandmore convenientways to interactwith theirschool,whether topay tuition fees,buy schooluniformsorevenschool lunches.
At CommBank we’re working with our school clients, such as Calgrossy Anglican School, to ensure they remain up-to-date with the latest technological developments and teaching practices, in an increasingly competitiveeducationenvironment. When you choose CommBank as your banking partner you’ll experience a newapproach toyourbanking relationshipaswellasgainingaccess tosome of the most advanced technology and expert design teams available in Australia.Forexample:
MasterCard, theMasterCardbrandmarkandQkr!®are registered trademarksofMasterCard International Incorporated.The informationcontained in thisarticlehasbeenpreparedwithout taking intoaccount theobjectives,f
inancial situation or needs of any particular individual. For this reason, any individual should before acting on the information in this document, consider the appropriateness of the information, having regard to thei
ndividual’sobjectives,financialsituationand taxationsituationorneedsofanyparticular individual,and ifnecessary,seekappropriateprofessionaladvice.ThisarticlehasbeenpreparedbyCommonwealthBankofAustralia ABN48123123124,AFSLandACL234945 (CommonwealthBank).Whilecarehasbeen taken in thepreparationof thisdocument,no liability isacceptedbyCommonwealthBank, its relatedentities,agentsandemployeesf
orany lossarising from relianceon thisarticle.
Coding and robotics camps - held regularly in our Sydney Innovation Lab. WithCommBank’ssocialAndroidRobots,ChipandMicroChip,developed in
partnershipwith theUTSMagicLab (the leadingsocial robotics research labi
n Australia), your students and teachers can access hands-on coding experienceswith ‘real-life’ robots tocombine learningandskilldevelopmenti
nauniqueandengagingenvironment. Qkr!®byMasterCard® - adigitalwallet specificallydeveloped for schools, which supports any parent initiated payments such as children’s lunches,
uniforms, levies,excursions,eventsand fundraising.Providingconvenience for parents, guardians and carers, plus a range of additional benefits for schools.Yourstaffno longerhaving tospend timechasing,processingand reconciling payments saving considerable amounts of time each day in administration activities. The removal of cash from the system also provides increased levels of security as well as a reduction in the opportunity for fraudandpetty theft. BPOINT –our leadingfinancialsoftwaresystem toprovideyourschoolwith superior cash management and payment solutions. A flexible system enabling CommBank to work with all of Australia’s leading education software system providers, BPOINT streamlines operational processes,
reduces administration and support costs, and provides you with faster,
moreaccuratepayment reconciliations. CommBank also provides funding for the specialised education portal,
Evidence for Learning, delivering global, evidenced based research at the touch of a button.With access to the latest studies into teachingmethods from around theworld, your teachers and schoolwill be better placed to continue to lifteducationaloutcomes foryourstudents.
f you’re interested indiscoveringmoreof the ‘value-adds’available to your
school with CommBank, call Julienne Price, Head of Education Sector
Bankingon0427506363. Thingsyoushouldknow: School partnerships of the future Technological advancements are having a positive impact on almost every aspect of school life - from the classroom through to behind-the-scenes administration areas. Parents, guardians and students want easier and more convenient ways to interact with their school, whether to pay tuition fees, buy school uniforms or even school lunches. At CommBank we’re working with our school clients, such as Calgrossy Anglican School, to ensure they remain up-to-date with the latest technological developments and teaching practices, in an increasingly competitive education environment. When you choose CommBank as your banking partner you’ll experience a new approach to your banking relationship as well as gaining access to some of the most advanced technology and expert design teams available in Australia. For example: MasterCard, the MasterCard brand mark and Qkr!® are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incor financial situation or needs of any particular individual. For this reason, any individual should before acting individual’s objectives, financial situation and taxation situation or needs of any particular individual, and if nece ABN 48 123 123 124, AFSL and ACL 234945 (Commonwealth Bank). While care has been taken in the preparati for any loss arising from reliance on this article. Coding and robotics camps - held regularly in our Sydney Innovation Lab. With CommBank’s social Android Robots, Chip and Micro Chip, developed in partnership with the UTS Magic Lab (the leading social robotics research lab in Australia), your students and teachers can access hands-on coding experiences with ‘real-life’ robots to combine learning and skill development in a unique and engaging environment. Things you should know: