visitors of the nearby caves, Caves
House Hotel has always maintained
its distinct style. Soon after rebuild-
ing it in 1938 as the original was de-
stroyed in a fire, the government sold
the property which has since changed
hands a number of times. Thankfully,
all of the owners were respectful of the
building’s significance and have man-
aged to maintain the vibrant atmos-
phere and Art Deco style that makes
it so unique. Today, Caves House Ho-
tel is owned by partners Libby Shep-
ard and Neil Jilley. Libby spoke with
us about managing a cultural place
with a strong heritage, maintaining its
artistic integrity, and developing new
services for the modern era without
impacting on the hotel’s character.
Providing full
entertainment in every
Libby and Neil are the first owners
who have been born and bred in the
local area and as such they have a
profound love for the building, both
for its architectural value and the
culture that surrounds it. The two of
them have cultivated a friendly yet
professional working atmosphere as
they see the staff as an extension of
their own family.