As a hotel in the South West of Aus-
tralia, Caves House Hotel experienc-
es considerable fluctuations in visi-
tor numbers. Even so, their iconic live
entertainment events happen all year
round. After all, the hotel is famous
for its entertainment, as well as the
various drinks and food on offer. Dur-
ing the summer season, more than
70 staff are employed in the organi-
sation though the number is reduced
to about 30 in the winter. Different
seasons provide different avenues
for entertainment, however, and both
Neil and Libby always has a full pro-
gram for the guests.
To that end, Caves House Hotel sup-
ports local artists as much as possi-
ble so the two partners employ people
from the community as often as they
can. Aside from music, the hotel also
offers a wide range of other activities
such as Murder Mysteries and Come-
dy Nights. Furthermore, there are sev-
eral huge events that attract a con-
siderable number of visitors such as
Octoberfest and the renowned New
Year’s party show.
Keeping the staff and
customers happy
Because the Caves House Hotel ca-
ters to a wide clientele, customer ser-
vice and satisfaction is of the utmost
importance. First of all, there is bis-
tro-style food and alcohol on offer at