all times. The partners believe that
an extremely quick customer service
turnaround on the delivery of food and
drinks is vital so they have made sure
to keep all bases covered at all times.
The staff themselves take pride in
their work, particularly because the
hotel is an iconic and fun place to
work at. The staff take care of every
customer with a smile on their faces
while also ensuring that everything is
always clean and tidy.
Importantly, the staff at the Caves
House Hotel are considered an inte-
gral part of the experience. As such,
everyone is rewarded when they work
hard and opportunities are present-
ed equally to everyone. Libby and Neil
personally congratulate and applaud
those who excel, particularly during
the monthly staff meetings. Further-
more, they have started an annual
draw that will allow their staff to earn
a paid holiday worth $2,000 as recog-
nition of their hard work.
Managing an iconic hotel
As for the hotel itself, managing it is
an absolutely pleasure for both part-
ners. Libby not only grew up inside of
hotels due to her father’s business
but she and Neil also have a strong
love for the arts. Those two elements
are strongly combined in the Caves
House Hotel. Of course, it is still a
business so the economic side of
things has also got to be considered.
To achieve prosperity, Libby and Neil
have a five-year plan in place which