120 delegates. Furthermore, there is
a smaller meeting room which can ac-
commodate up to 30 guests. A recent-
ly renovated executive boardroom with
several seating options is also availa-
ble. The only difference in the equip-
ment is that the executive boardroom
has a 60-inch flat screen TV instead of
a projector due to its relatively small
size. Other than that, all rooms are
fully equipped with sound systems,
whiteboards, amplifiers, and every oth-
er piece of equipment required for a
successful presentation.
According to Rod, technology plays
a pivotal role in the organisation and
he is always on the lookout for the
latest updates. Right now, the centre
is in the process of installing a high
speed internet connection and addi-
tional tech equipment. All these small
but important touches are part of the
wider model adopted by the centre
which Rod calls ‘extravagant hospital-
ity’. Each client is treated like a guest
in a family house, something that also
shows through the team’s interactions
with them. No concern or query is un-
important and every staff member
does their best to accommodate the
needs of each guest and make their
stay as good as possible.
Delivering excellent
customer care
To offer outstanding customer sat-
isfaction, offering a personalized ser-
vice is crucial. The guests are consist-
ently impressed by this systemically