Business View Oceania
friendly approach adopted by the cen-
tre and they show it with their repeat
business. Word of mouth is extreme-
ly important for Seville Mercy and they
have received a lot of clients that way
throughout the years. It is important to
not only maintain a great appearance
but also to offer a consistently reliable
service that the guests can in turn ap-
Though the centre also offers 26
rooms for accommodation, their main
income is derived from conferences.
As such, they have to play up to their
strengths; a family-like atmosphere,
a certain degree of intimacy, and the
small business connection which
comes from their local spirit. It is a de-
cisively different service than the one
offered by the big centres downtown
and the guests who choose Seville
Mercy appreciate that. This philoso-
phy goes all the way through the sup-