Business View Australia - June 2015 31
Greg Mashiah is very clear that us-
ing the GC21 relationship contract
has helped the implementation of
the projects to a great extent, “So we
think that we have very good work-
ing relationships with the contractors
and the use of the GC21 relation-
ship contract has certainly helped
developing those relationships, be-
cause one of the aspects in GC21
is that you have a project approach
in which both the principal and the
contractor are working together to
ensure what is best for the project.
In terms of evaluating the perfor-
mance in all the contracts under
GC21, we evaluate the performance
of the whole team – the contractors,
the Council and the project man-
agers, because sometimes it can
be the Principal who is causing the
contractor to delay the project.
For example, if the Council is taking
too long to turn around requests for
information, the contractors may not
be able to continue with their work. To
remedy this, each month, on GC21 we
hold a performance evaluation meet-
ing and in that meeting we assess
the performance of the whole team.”