24 Business View Australia - June 2015
was constructed in 2008 and the
second scheme was constructed in
2011 and the final scheme’s construc-
tion was started last year. So work
at the moment is the culmination of
what we did for 15 years with a lot of
planning,” explained Greg Mashiah.
“The Clarence Valley was at one stage
the fastest growing area in New South
Wales. That was in the 1990’s and this
growth resulted in two requirements
of the water and sewer department.
One was to meet modern environmen-
tal standards in terms of waste and
release of treated recycled water to
AT A GLANCE WHO: Clarence Valley Council WHAT: Is a place of out- standing natural beauty and diversity, from lush rainfor- ests to unspoilt beaches and fertile river plains. WHERE: Located at Locked Bag 23, Grafton, NSW WEBSITE: http://www.clarence.nsw.gov.au/CONSTRUCTION