Business View Australia - August 2015 125
Nick Ray says the Great Financial
Crisis (GFC) caused him to strongly
reconsider his company’s position in
the market.
“Different industries get hit harder
than others, so if you set yourself
off into just one industry you run the
risk of running out of work. When it
began in 2008, we went down to
two or three staff to get by. I saw it
as a chance to broaden our horizons.
The GFC really made it hit home
that diversification really was key to
the future approach to developing a
building company. So it was that time
where we started expanding those
sides of the company.”
Prior to the recent expansion,
Onesector operated primarily as a
trailer type builder. Based on the Gold
Coast, Nick Ray is a third generation
builder, his grandfather Ronald Ray
built some of the first factories on
the Gold Coast. Nick’s father Michael
Ray continued in his grandfather’s
footsteps as a licensed builder,
successfully completing a large
number of industrial, commercial and
residential projects while guiding Nick
through his apprenticeship. Fifteen
years ago, Nick stepped out on his
own as a licensed builder and is now
the Managing Director of Onesector
Pty Ltd.
“During the early days of Onesector’s
trading, we were very hands on, doing
our own carpentry, concreting works
and so on. You can only grow so
much when you are doing it like that.
It has been the last three years that
we’ve really been pushing upwards
and growing the organisation and
structure; rather than just being a
trailer type builder.”