Business View Australia - August 2015 63
The initial function of Angus Australia
was to provide an avenue for breeders
of Angus cattle to register the pedigree
of their Angus-based cattle and to
assist in the development of the breed
in Australia. But over the years the
Society has broadened its range of
functions and today it plays a major
role in helping its members develop
and produce world-leading Angus-
based cattle and related genetics.
Angus Australia is a not for profit,
member based company which is
actively involved in supporting its
members in their efforts to market
both Angus genetics and beef. It also
promotes the Angus brand through its
subsidiary company, Certified Angus
Group, which was formed in 1996.
This company was established to
promote and protect the Angus brand
and it has both Certified Australian
Angus Beef (CAAB) and Angus Pure
Brands wholly owned by the Aussie
Angus farmers who are members of
Angus Australia.
Certified Australian Angus Beef is
grain fed to give it excellent flavour and
high-quality marbling characteristics.
The extent of marbling, which refers
to the fat found within a cut of meat
and between the muscle fibres,
determines the quality of beef and
t in the world and a ma-
oyed by the superior
ngus Society of Austral-
e of Angus cattle and