Business View Australia - August 2015 69
Angus Australia has been involved in
the beef and cattle industry for almost
100 years and consequently it is very
well known and commands the highest
degree of respect in the trade and in
government circles.
It promotes its services to members
through a weekly electronic newsletter
that is also sent out to other
organisations connected with the
cattle industry. Angus Australia also
provides press releases to the various
media outlets in Australia that are
involved in communications to the
agricultural sector.
It also has a full time marketing staff
who looks for opportunities to not
only promote Angus Australia, but to
establish a dialogue with other bodies
connected with the beef sector. An
effort is made to highlight initiatives
that are important for the ongoing
improvement of profitability of beef
production in Australia, particularly
with reference to the Angus breed.
The Society has a very active website
which receives a lot of visits as it
contains a complete data base of
registered animals. The website also
hosts online sale catalogues and up
to date information on animals that
people may be considering for their
breeding program. Angus Australia is
very active on social media through
Facebook and Twitter, particularly with
its Angus youth program.
To communicate effectively with its
members, organisations connected
with the cattle industry and other
bodies, Angus Australia relies on
electronic media and social media.
It also makes extensive use of print
media which is still quite an important
part of communication in theAustralian
agricultural sector.
Commenting about the future of the
cattle industry, Peter Parnell says, “We
are very optimistic about the future of
the Australian beef industry because
of the demand for high quality protein
in the developing countries. The
future of beef production is very good
because Angus is well-established in
terms of our footprint in the Australian
beef industry and the technology that
we can provide our breeders.
“Angus Australia has evolved over the
last 100 years from being a traditional
society that simply recorded pedigrees.
We are now a modern innovation
company that is strongly focussed
on providing value added services to
our members and making available to
them the opportunity to enhance their
product over time. I think the future for
our organisation is very positive.”