68 Business View Australia - August 2015
30 years and theaverageprofitability of
Angus cattle has improved by 3.5% per
year. This has resulted in an enormous
gain in profitability of members over
the 30 year period.
In this period there have been marked
changes in the performance of Angus
cattle, including improvements in
growth performance, fertility rates,
carcase performance, meat quality
and feed efficiency. A combination of
all of these factors have come together
to improve the profitability of Angus
As a result of this, there have been
enormous gains not only for members
of Angus Australia but for a wider
section of the Australian beef industry
who source their Angus breeding stock
from members of the Society.
To meet its objective of improving
the genetic properties of Angus
cattle, Angus Australia has been
associated with a research group,
Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
at the University of New England at
Armidale, for the last 30 years. This
partnership has been of great benefit
to the Society and tremendous gains
have been made in the Angus breed
due to the research conducted by
this group.