72 Business View Australia - August 2015
particularly well attended and the
clear message that came out of that
was that we need to be sharper and
crisper and there is a fluctuating
growth pattern and we are now
experiencing a sharp increase in our
level of activities.
“The way we are organised is that we
have geographic sections for each of
the states and territories in Australia
to run relevant events, which on the
one hand enable the members to be
informed about pertinent initiatives
by keynote speakers and also
encourage networking. We also have
various industry sectors represented
and this facilitates discussion geared
towards particular sectors. Our
National Office coordinates these
activities as well as runs our website,
marketing, various programs in
which we are involved including
Mentoring, industry updates, our
Annual Awards for Excellence Event,
webinar presentations and online
contact databases.
CILT has a tiered membership
grading system whereby recognising
members for their levels of
experience within the Industry and
their qualifications gained and offer
pathways for members to progress
through the grades. The lower grades
are designed for those starting out
in their careers or for those that are
involved in the Industry but their
roles aren’t specific to the trade.
The grades that give members
post nominals and recognition
range from those in their first roles
to senior managers and leaders
who significantly contribute to our
Institute and Industry.”
CILTA is an active career
partner for its members
As well as recognition through
Membership Grades, the Institute
courses and mentoring programs
for its members. Exceptional
achievement is recognised by the
Certified Professional Logistician,
Certified Transport Planner and
Certified Passenger Professional
certifications. The annual National
Excellence Awards provides a
platform for high-achievers to
showcase their attainments and
organisations to celebrate their
In fact our last two years Young
Professionals of the Year have
gone on to represent Australia
in the International Awards and
been named International Young
Professional of the Year. These
individuals came from very different