88 Business View Australia - August 2015
Australia’s home based solar power
retail market.
In 2012 the Hanwha Group had
bought Q Cells, which is a reputed
German company and the world’s
largest manufacturer of premium
quality solar cells. The purchase of a
stake in Empyreal Energy by Hanwha
makes eminent business sense as
Empyreal Energy is the largest seller
of Q Cells in Australia.
Rapid Growth in
the Company
Paul Graham, Managing Director,
Empyreal Energy Limited, speaks
about the expansion of the company’s
operations and its area of focus,
“Major growth took place from 2010
onwards as we conducted a number
of seminars to market our product and
we also had a lot of business based
on the referrals that we received.
“We had happy clients referring
their friends and family. Government
legislation also played a role in
our growth, as feed-in tariff was
introduced. Under feed-in rules, any
solar power generated in a residence
or an office which was not used was
permitted to be sold back to the grid.
“This provided a big incentive for
our customers to install solar power
systems and led to our expansion.
At that time we also moved into the
of large projects with customers like
the TGA Pastry Company, a lot of farms
and different sorts of businesses
including production and retail.”
Sales Process and
Installation of Solar
Power Systems
One of the main reasons for the
success of Empyreal Energy is that
it functions as a solution based
company, rather than just a solar