108 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
International Recognition
Lou Pascuzzi was recently named
‘The Global Most Outstanding Chief
Executive Officer in the Care Home
Sector in 2015’ at the Over 50s Glob-
al Housing Awards. TLC Aged Care
was also presented with ‘The Most
Innovative Global Aged Care Housing
Design in 2015’ for the proposed de-
velopment in Clifton Hill in Melbourne.
Accepting these awards at a gala
dinner in London, Lou Pascuzzi said
that industry recognition was a vali-
dation of TLC Healthcare’s $120 mil-
lion investment strategy to take the
Australian healthcare industry to the
next level.
Sponsorship in the
TL C engages in a wide-ranging phil-
anthropic program that benefits lo-
cal communities, charities and sport-
ing teams. TLC Aged Care is a major
sponsor of Alzheimer’s Australia VIC
and has worked with them to develop
a range of specialised dementia ser-
vices for its aged care residents.
Lou Pascuzzi believes all organisa-
tions that benefit from the support of
their local communities should give
back. “In 2016, we will continue our
strong relationship with Alzheimer’s
Australia Vic by sponsoring their fund-
raising ‘Afternoon Teas to Remember
Lou Pascuzzi