142 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
AQTMN members stock and sell
Queensland produced timber at a fair
price. This association has provided
a boost to Versace Timber’s business
volumes in addition to providing its
staff product knowledge training de-
livered by peak industry body, Timber
Queensland and TABMA Australia.
Versace Timbers supplies a wide
range of products to the renovation
and new home build market. It also
fabricates high-quality trusses and
wall frames that can be used in the
construction of new and renovated
homes. A number of their builders find
the use of these pre-fabricated prod-
ucts as a more economical alternative
than to build the house from scratch.
Trusses are also easier to erect and
even the most complex roofing re-
quirements can be met through their
use. Versace Timbers has the added
advantage of being a MiTek fabricator.
This technology enables the company
to manufacture roof trusses and wall
frames efficiently and accurately while
maintaining high standards of quality
and service.
The timber cladding provided by Ver-
sace Timbers provides homes with
natural insulation that is attractive
and can be easily redecorated or re-
juvenated. Timber cladding is also en-