Business View Australia - January-February 2016 143
vironmentally friendly as the timber is
taken from sustainable sources and
requires a lower amount of fossil fuels
to manufacture.
Nothing is more Queensland then
a timber deck. Versace Timbers has
been providing Brisbane Builders with
plenty of homegrown Queensland
decking over the past 60 years and
helped transform many homes by cre-
ating an extended living space.
Timber flooring is another well
sought-after product and has become
a feature of many South East Queens-
land homes. Versace Timbers stocks
a number of species of timber flooring
such as mixed hardwood, pine and cy-
press and also has access to a wide
variety of other timbers in various col-
ours and grades.
Versace Timbers’ core business is
merchandising and manufacturing
timber, however they certainly aren’t
limited to selling just timber. Gone are
the days of the basic brick veneer or
timber chamfer house. A lot of today’s
modern builds and renovations are
looking for an edge, something differ-
ent. Versace Timbers are able to offer
a number of alternative cladding op-
tions such as Weathertex or fibre ce-
ment based products from the BGC
Fibre Cement range of building prod-
ucts or even some composite decking
choices such as Modwood. If a cus-