Business View Australia - January-February 2016 145
tomer is chasing a particular product,
Versace Timbers will do its level best
to source it or at the very least guide
them to where they can get it.
Marketing of products
The company’s sales representatives
actively market Versace Timber’s wide
range of products. The company also
advertises regularly to create aware-
ness about itself. The majority of Ver-
sace Timber’s sales are the result of
word of mouth references and from re-
peat business.
For the last three years, Versace Tim-
bers has been facilitating a “Charity
Golf Day”. In 2015, this event was held
at the Virginia Golf Club and over 100
players consisting of clients, staff and
supplier sponsors participated. The
event was a great success and has be-
come a much-anticipated yearly event
in the calendar of all those associated
with Versace Timbers.
The company also uses this occa-
sion to raise funds for charity. An auc-
tion and a number of raffles are held
throughout the day, with the proceeds
donated to the Prostrate Cancer Foun-
dation of Australia (PCFA). In 2015, a
sum of $6,800 was collected. Over the
last three years close to $20,000 has
been raised by the generous custom-
ers, suppliers and staff who partici-
pate on the day and presented to the
Active role in timber
Graham Leddy plays an active role in
Queensland’s timber industry and is a
director of the Timber and Building Ma-
terials Association Ltd (TABMA). This
association is an industry body with
offices throughout Australia. It rep-
resents timber and building material
merchants, suppliers, manufacturers,
frame and truss fabricators, wholesal-
ers and timber importers.
TABMA members receive access to a
range of benefits including government
representation at the state and nation-
al levels, industry representation, net-
working opportunities, development of
labour resources through group train-
ing divisions, group buying discount ar-
rangements and also permanent and
part-time staff placements through
the recruitment division.
Versace Timber’s participation in
TABMA has given it greater exposure
and kept the company abreast of de-
velopments in the timber industry.
In 2012, Versace Timbers was de-
clared to be the Best Building Material
Centre (Metro) at the Queensland Tim-
ber Industry Awards.
Emphasis on training
Versace Timbers growth can be at-
tributed to a number of factors. The
company lays great emphasis on train-
ing its employees. One of Versace Tim-