Business View Australia - January-February 2016 151
all guidance from its Board of Di-
rectors, who are supported by a Na-
tional Secretariat in Canberra. The
directors are nominated by the re-
spective member associations. The
day to day operations of the MTAA is
managed by the association’s chief
executive officer, Richard Dudley. He
is assisted in this task by the Nation-
al Secretariat, with specific skills in
stakeholder relations, government
affairs, communications and statis-
tical analysis
Speaking of the establishment of
the MTAA Richard Dudley said, “The
MTAA was formed in 1988 as a re-
sult of the state and territory mo-
tor trade associations determining
that there was a need for nation-
al representation to deal primari-
ly with advocacy and lobbying at a
Commonwealth level. Prior to that, it
had been done in an ad hoc fashion
by some members through an enti-
ty called the Australian Automobile
Chamber of Commerce.