Business View Australia - January-February 2016 153
As a national-level body, the MTAA
presents a unified voice primarily to
the federal government and plays a
key role in influencing government
policy. The work carried out by the
association includes identifying and
monitoring issues affecting the au-
tomotive sector and taking up appro-
priate matters with the government.
Role played by the MTAA
The National Secretariat of the as-
sociation acts as a liaison between
the Federal government, Common-
wealth departments and industry. It
receives specific inputs from Nation-
al Industry Sector Committees that
sit underneath the MTAA umbrella.
These committees provide detailed
inputs on matters specific to each
of the components of the automo-
tive sector. These sectors include
the Australian Motor Body Repairers
Association (AMBRA), Australian Mo-
torcycle Dealers Association (AMDA)
and several others representing
parts dismantlers and recyclers,
service stations and convenience
stores, tyre dealers and retreaders,
and farm and industrial machinery
The inputs that are received from
these bodies is consultative in na-
ture and provides the MTAA with
the technical advice required to cre-
ate effective policy responses to a
wide range of issues including regu-
Commerce, the Motor Trade Associ-
ation of South Australia, the Motor
Trade Association of Western Austral-
ia, the Motor Trades Association of
the ACT and the Motor Trades Associ-
ation of the Northern Territory.