150 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
The automotive sector in the coun-
try has an annual turnover of over
$208 billion and is an important
component of the national econo-
my. It employs in excess of 310,000
across 52 trades and skills catego-
ries. The sector comprises enter-
prises that service, repair, fuel and
sell to Australia’s 17.2 million strong
motor vehicle fleet.
A large part of the automotive sec-
tor is comprised of small to medium
sized businesses. Government poli-
cies play an important role in deter-
mining how this sector fares. From
the time it was established almost
30 years ago, the MTAA has played
a pivotal role in influencing govern-
ment policy. The policy inputs that it
has provided have played an impor-
tant role in the development of the
automotive downstream sectors in
MTAA receives directions and over-