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Business View Oceania - January/February 2017

5. More businesses for


Baby Boomers started most of the

brick and mortar businesses that we

see. But there are a few components

that are shifting the business land-

scape. Technology is becoming easier

to use, items you once could only find at

specialty shops are now easily acces-

sible online and Baby Boomers are en-

tering retirement. These shifts, along

with the economic recovery in recent

years has made business sales more

prominent. As Baby Boomers seek to

retire in the next few years, you will

see many businesses being sold, tak-

en apart and reinvented by the Millen-

nials. In addition, many of these Baby

Boomers will try to get ahead of their

competitors by selling their business-

es next year, before the market be-

comes too competitive and business

buyouts decrease.

6. Products that track


I work at an academic medical center

and get access to a lot of data in the

world of health and nutrition. I also at-

tended CES earlier this year and saw an

entire portion of the conference dedi-

cated to health and fitness wearables.

From the data I have access to and

through observation, Millennials, espe-

cially women, are concerned with their

health and nutrition more than any oth-

er past generation. With the addition of

technology like integrated health sys-

tems, Fitbits and virtual reality, tracking

nutrition and fitness levels is becoming

even easier as people expand the mar-

ket. In 2017, this trend will continue and

tfitness apps and software will grow the

health and fitness market.

7. E-commerce will

continue to rise

I started working with an entrepre-

neur who spent the last 10 years sell-

ing shears for hairstylists at conferenc-

es. He recently had a graphic designer

put together a website and started

to run social media ads. Within one

month of running Facebook ads, he

generated $140,000 in revenue, sold

out nearly his entire inventory and had

to hire four more staff members due to

the unexpected volume that his Face-

book campaign generated. Due to how

much easier it is for businesses to tar-

get and access their core audiences,

there is now an increased demand

for online e-commerce tools. Recent

studies have shown that 58 percent of

shoppers are willing to add additional

items to their virtual shopping carts to

meet free-shipping quotas. As technol-

ogy continues to expand in 2017, we

should see an increase in e-commerce


8. Businesses will focus

on connecting customers

rather than on selling to


People are tired of being sold, and

Millennials can tell they are being sold

from a mile away. This is an instant