Business View Australia - June 2015 101
The stated purpose for the exis-
tence of Resthaven is to provide
outstanding care and support to
older South Australians and their
carers. It has won several acco-
lades for the commitment and
dedication demonstrated to fulfil
its objectives. Among these are:
In September, 2008 Resthaven
was honoured by Aged and Commu-
nity Services, Australia (ACSA). The
CEO of Resthaven, Richard Hearn,
won the Individual Award for “being
a true champion of aged care.”
Resthaven also won the Media Award
for its campaign to influence how old-
er people are portrayed in the media.
Resthaven provides an essential
service and has moulded itself over
the years to cater to the changing
needs of older persons. Its stan-
dard of excellence is unmatched
and it provides various options
including living at home, indepen-
dent living and residential living.
Its success over the decades can
be attributed to its philosophy of
putting its residents at the cen-
tre of all its efforts. Resthaven is
unique in that it understands the
needs and requirements of its
residents and provides care and
facilities based on the inputs re-
ceived at the time of admission.
The Aged Care Act, 1997 stip-
ulates that institutions like Res-
thaven are required to obtain
accreditation for 44 quality stan-
dards grouped under 4 heads.
These include staffing, health and
personal care,resident lifestyle
and the physical environment.
All Resthaven residential sites
have achieved accreditation for 3
years and have achieved positive
outcomes for all 44 standards.
Ultimately, the quality of care in an
institution such as Resthaven is de-
pendent upon the warmth and com-
passion that its staff exhibits while
dealing with its residents. It is grati-
fying to note that the CEO has this to
say about the staff “The genuine care
and warmth of staff in their work with
residents and clients is most inspir-
ing. It affects the daily quality of life of
the people receiving services. It also
affects the quality of life of their car-
ers and families. I find inspiration in
the positivity, kindness, commitment
and dedication of staff, whose work is
a vocation. The quality of care given,
often under very difficult circumstanc-
es, is mostly of a high standard...”
Residents of South Australia
have the good fortune to have
an institution of the standard
of Resthaven in their midst.