98 Business View Australia - June 2015
Eligibility to Resthaven’s facilities are
subject to an Aged Care Assessment
Team (ACAT) approval. Individuals may
avail of Resthaven’s services with-
out following this process by paying
the prescribed fee for the required
service. Those opting for the ACAT
route are required to have their in-
dividual needs assessed by a team
comprising geriatricians, social work-
ers and other heath professionals.
Resthaven endeavours to improve
the quality of life of the older peo-
ple it caters to. An important way in
which it accomplishes this is by de-
veloping an activity program for each
resident. When an older person first
moves to Resthaven he is interviewed
by the staff and a record is created
of the person’s history, preferences,
abilities and requirements. This in-
formation is used to plan the individ-
ual’s activities. Every effort is made
cater to the needs and requirements
of each resident. Large print books
are stocked in the library and local
mobile library visits are organised
to Resthaven. Outdoor trips, music
programs and card and board games
are arranged. Periodic reviews are
conducted with each resident to de-
termine their changing requirements.
Resthaven had its beginning in 1935