Business View Australia - June 2015 127
At present, we supply embryos for
export to USA, South Africa, New
Zealand and some Asian countries
and our immediate goal is to sup-
ply to Canada, China and countries
in South America including Bra-
zil and Argentina in particular.”
Established presence in the Aus-
tralian and international markets
The company has very strong re-
lationships with its clients both in
Australia and other countries. It al-
ready has a significant presence in
the USA where the Wagyu industry
is undergoing a growth period.
The company works closely with
producers and feedlots in Australia.
These include the Australian Agricul-
tural Company who are the biggest
cattle producer in Australia, Rang-
ers Valley feedlot and Macquarie
Downs feedlot. Also the live export
trade through Edwards Livestock.
Expertise in genetics
Bald Ridge Wagyu and Genetic Edge
Australia has a well-earned repu-
tation in the Wagyu industry. It has
used this to rapidly expand its busi-
ness in the country and make deep
forays in the international markets.
The embryos and semen produced
by the company are in great de-
mand and command high prices.
“We have a very successful track
record with embryo collection. The
same with semen collection. The oth-
er, more recent facet of our business,
is the production of sexed embryos.
Genetic Edge has very good results
with producing sexed embryos.
Our premises are approved by
the Australian Quarantine and
Inspection Service (AQIS) and
these are audited every year.”