128 Business View Australia - June 2015
A family run business in
the international arena
The work on the farm is done by
Rick and his wife, Dawne. Their two
daughters, Hallie and Abby, help out
in busy times and more particular-
ly with the media side of the work.
Abby has just finished a degree in
media and communications and
she looks after the company web-
site and social media platforms.
The company has employed several
interns - two young ladies from Nor-
way and a young man from Texas who
have come over to learn about cat-
tle and cattle breeding in Australia.
This family operation produces
some of the finest Wagyu genetics
in the world. “The Australian Wagyu
Association just had their, annual
conference and an international sale
at Yeppoon, Queensland on the 9th
of May. Bald Ridge Wagyu’s six red
embryos topped the embryo sec-
tion of the sale, and that too, was
the highest price of the entire sale.
We achieved top price in January at
the Mile High Sale in Denver, Colora-
do, likewise at the Texas Wagyu sale
in Salado, Texas. We have a world
renowned Red Wagyu bull, Red Star
C402 who has just won the Wagyu
Champion of Asia and Africa Award
in the Wagyu of the World Compe-
tition. Along with that, this bull’s
heifer calf won Grand Champion at
the inaugural Houston Livestock
Wagyu show and was later sold for
a record price of $44,000 at the
Texas Wagyu Association sale.”