40 Business View Australia - June 2015
(GRESB), which now repor ts on
56,000 assets wor th US$2.1 tril -
lion dollars in value, identi f ies
Australia as the global leader.
But sustainable buildings ar-
en’t just for of f ice workers or
for people who can af ford spar-
kling penthouses overlooking
the harbour. We are proud
of the many Green Star proj -
ects that suppor t bet ter envi -
ronmental, economic and so -
cial outcomes for ever yone.
The Common Ground hous-
ing projects in Sydney and
Melbourne demonstrate that
a sustainable building is for
rough sleepers as much as i t
is for investment bankers.
Similarly, green features at the
Lily f ield Housing Redevelop- mentin Sydney have reduced
residents’ electrici ty bills by 25
per cent while at Monash Uni -
versi ty’s
Briggs Hall and Jacko - mos Halls,cash- strapped stu-
dents are paying 45 per cent
less for their electrici ty. The
Redfern Housing Redevelop - mentproject, also in Sydney,
gained an ‘Innovation’ point
for speci f ying that a minimum
of 20 construction workers on
the project were indigenous.
jobs, en-
hanced the
‘green collar’
skills of the local com-
muni ty, and spread wide the
message that ever yone de-
serves a sustainable home.
And the Green Star stor y is
about more than just buildings.
If we were to plot the evolution
of the Green Building Council
of Australia over last 12 years,
we’d see theearly emphasis on
the environmental benef i ts of