Business View Australia - November-December 2015 33
We listen to our
customers and they
traditionally prefer
to use one skip bin.
than 50% of Construction & Demolition
waste away from landfill. C&D waste
makes up the majority of waste buried
into landfill and the WA Waste Authority
has now set targets to reduce the
amount of waste sent to landfill sites by
diversion of 75% by 2020.
In keeping with IWM’s strategies to
improve these targets, Jake Hickey said,
“We listen to our
customers and
they traditionally
prefer to use
one skip bin. To
this we invested
in an integrated
can process and sort large volumes of
mixed C&D waste”.
IWM has commissioned an automated
Material Recovery Facility that has
helped the company improve the
diversion rate of waste away from
landfill from 70% to 80%-90% or more.
TheMaterial Recovery Facility uses the
state-of-the-art processing equipment.
maximises the recycling of mixed C&D
waste that has been collected and
measured by IWM.
Speaking about its features, Jake
Hickey says, “We’ve recently invested
heavily in a new state-of-the-art facility
that enables us to recycle very high
levels of the co-mingled waste collected
from construction and demolition sites
across the state.
“One of the things we’re very pleased
about here is the synchronicity of the
system, enabling everything to move
f l u i d l y
t h r o u g h
bas i c a l l y
b a t c h
load large
of waste
t h r o u g h
and recycle pure quality materials out
the other end.
“So we have metal that’s turned into
reinforcement, wood that gets turned
into composting materials and mulch
and sand that gets turned into clean
fill recycled sand. Finally, we have a
crushed aggregate mix made up of
concrete and clay.
“In summary, we’re hoping to achieve
higher levels of recycling. In the past,
we’ve won awards for a 70% recycling
and diversion rate away from landfill.
This new facility will be able to handle
more volume, operate for shorter time