34 Business View Australia - November-December 2015
periods and easily achieve marks
around the 80%-90% mark, with the
end goal in the long term future being
zero landfill.”
To assist its customers’ compliance
with the Green Building Council of
Australia’s Green Star program IWM
provides waste reports, verified
by independent professionals for
acceptance in a Green Star projects’
C&D waste credit submission.
Readers can view a video of a go-
pro camera make its way through the
recycling plant as Jake Hickey explains
the features of the material recovery
IWM is the recipient of a number
of awards in appreciation of the
work it has done for protecting the
environment. In 2013, it received the
Central Eastern Business Association
Award for the ‘Best Environmental or
Sustainable Business’. As the Chair of
the not for profit ‘Dob in a Dumper’
committee, IWM was recognised for
the group’s outstanding action to
reduce illegally dumped waste.
The company won the GreenSmart
‘Partnership’ award in 2008 and 2009
and was awarded the GreenSmart
‘Resource Efficiency’ award in 2010,
2011 and 2012.
Rapid growth on the cards
JakeHickey observes that growth in the
waste management sector is a result of
increased demand for recycling that is
partly fuelled by the corporate social
responsibility activities undertaken by
companies. There is also a significant
increase in the number of projects
being registered with the Green Building
Council of Australia and this creates
further demand for IWM’s services.
Another factor that will result in an
increase in business volumes for IWM
is the increase in landfill levies that will
be implemented in Western Australia.
For certain categories of waste, the