Business View Australia - November-December 2015 81
range of contacts while serving in
these positions.
Penrith is a real estate
growth area
Penrith is a major metropolitan
centre approximately 50km west of
Sydney. It is home to the sixth largest
population in NSW and has a number
of new development sites including
Glenmore Park, Jordan Springs and
Waterside. Penrith Valley residents
can enjoy white river rafting and
walks along the beautiful Nepean
Therearealsoanumber ofmuseums,
art galleries, markets and cinemas
in the city in addition to several large
shopping centres including Westfield
Penrith Plaza, Centro Nepean and
the High Street retail strip.
Greg Taylor explains why Penrith will
continue to see growth in its property
market, “We are based in Penrith
and Penrith is only 15 minutes away
from the proposed new airport for
western Sydney at Badgerys Creek.
In the last couple of years the area
has just boomed.
“Investors are coming from all over
Sydney to buy property in the city of
Penrith. It is widely recognised now
that there is a huge potential growth
for the area for the next 30 to 40
years. The Penrith area has had a
complete overhaul of its residential
zoning and we have now got high-rise
blocks on the drawing board for large
parts of the city.
“There have been a lot of
development sites sold and coming
on the market recently. Following
that, there are going to be a lot of
builders and big companies wishing
to sell units which we will be heavily
involved with the future sales and
property management.”
“Our future growth is going to be in
the strata high-rise developments
Michael Taylor