82 Business View Australia - November-December 2015
that are going to be coming in the
next few years.”
Property management
Stanton & Taylor offers the entire
range of real estate services. In
addition to providing its expertise
to buyers and sellers, it has a well-
established property management
In fact, within the First National
group it is one of
the top 10 property
management offices
and manages the
largest residential
portfolio in Penrith
and the surrounding
offer commercial-
industrial property
m a n a g e m e n t
With its extensive knowledge of the
local market and its highly trained
team, the company ensures that its
clients’ properties find a tenant in
the quickest possible time.
Stanton&Taylorhasa largedatabase
of developers, many of whom have
recently purchased sites around the
area for future development. The
company will be involved in helping
the developers in the design process
so that they build the appropriate
product for the area. This will ensure
that Stanton & Taylor is in a position
to find buyers and tenants for the
finished product.
It is expected that in the next 10
years there are going to be a large
number of projects to cater to the
expected demand. The company
services the whole of the Penrith
City Council area. Additionally, it is
located on the main street in the
middle of ‘Real Estate Alley’, the
area where all the city’s real estate
agents are based.
Stanton & Taylor is known to provide