84 Business View Australia - November-December 2015
the benefit when they bought their
first home. If the government makes
changes to taxation and to negative
gearing, it will have an absolutely
major impact on the industry.
“When it was introduced back in
the 1980s it was a great incentive
for people to go and buy investment
property. For the last year or so there
has been talk of whether or not the
government might change the negative
gearing, I think that it would be
catastrophic for the industry.“Negative
gearing has a very positive effect on
our industry and that is something that
should never be touched.”
Selling real estate is a
competitive business
When Stanton & Taylor first started
operations the local newspaper was
the only means to communicate with
prospective customers. Currently,
this method plays only a minor role
and has been supplanted by a host
of internet portals.
Potential property buyers go to the
internet for information on real estate
availability and prices. This makes it
absolutely necessary that real estate
agents like Stanton & Taylor have a
presence on the web. Of course, it is a
major expense.