10 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
LGAT’s role in the reform
of councils
LGAT plays an active part in ensur-
ing that the reforms proposed by
the State or Federal governments
are implemented in a manner that
is fair to all. Currently, an important
item on the State’s reform agenda
is improved efficiencies in the Local
Government sector through the im-
plementation of strategic resource
sharing between councils and coun-
cil amalgamations which would de-
liver economies of scale and scope.
Amalgamation of councils or even
resource sharing will entail great
changes to be incorporated by coun-
cils if they are to be implemented.
The process of this change will be ex-
tremely complex and it is also bound
to be time-consuming. LGAT has
worked hard to ensure that councils
have access to all the information
that they need to take decisions re-
garding this reform.