Business View Australia - January-February 2016 13
with no single generation wearing a
disproportionate cost burden. LGAT
will continue to support our mem-
bers to implement best practice,
long-term planning and financial
management practices through the
provision of tools and training.”
Key benefits of being a
member of the LGAT
Councils benefit immensely from
being LGAT members. One of the
principal advantages they enjoy is
that their interests are represented
to the State Government in a com-
mon voice. LGAT also speaks on be-
half of councils to other government
bodies and to other interest groups
and the community.
Additionally, LGAT’s General Man-
agement Committee, General Meet-
ings, working groups, workshops
and committees play an active role
in developing and advocating on lo-
cal government policies.
Another important function that
the Association performs for its
members is that it develops tools
and resources that the whole sec-
tor can use. Councils do not need to
duplicate this effort. As part of this
function, the LGAT has developed
a range of tools to help implement
work, health and safety legislation.
The Association has also developed