Business View Australia - January-February 2016 9
Association of Tasmania, explains
the association’s role, “We really are
the voice of local government in Tas-
mania. We undertake advocacy on
a number of levels. At a state level,
we work directly with bureaucrats on
specific legislative or policy or pro-
ject issues.
“But we also have in Tasmania, a
Premier’s Local Government Coun-
cil which is a regular forum between
the elected board of LGAT and the
Premier and Minister for Local Gov-
ernment. It is something that was
started under the previous govern-
ment but has been maintained un-
der the current Liberal government.
It really is a very fortunate situation
to be in as it gives us a very close di-
alogue with the government so that
we can collectively tackle issues of
As a means to give direction and
focus to the LGAT’s activities, a stra-
tegic plan is developed every five
years by the General Management
Committee in conjunction with the
CEO and Secretariat. A critical func-
tion that the Association performs is
that it serves as a link between the
Commonwealth, Tasmanian State
and Local Government on matters of
policy, finance and legislation.
LGAT fulfils this role by consult-
ing with the state’s 29 councils and
communicating with the different
levels of government.
cil representatives every two years.
The committee comprises the pop-
ularly elected president, the Lord
Mayor and six other members elect-
ed by regional groupings of councils.
Dr Katrena Stephenson, Chief Ex-
ecutive Officer, Local Government