106 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
tion to residential aged care services.
In its endeavour to provide focus and
direction to this new strategy, the or-
ganisation introduced TLC Healthcare
as its new corporate identity. Under
the umbrella of TLC Healthcare sits its
operating brands: TLC Primary Care,
TLC Aged Care and TLC Learning.
TLC Primary Care started operations
in October 2015, by launching its ser-
vices from its Noble Park location. The
new community healthcare hub pro-
vides medical care to both residents
and the wider community. A wide range
of services available includes gener-
al practitioners, chronic disease man-
agement nursing, physiotherapists,
pathology collection, telehealth, reha-
bilitation and allied health services.
At the time of the launch of the new
community healthcare hub, Lou Pas-
cuzzi, the chief executive officer of
TLC Healthcare explained the organi-
sation’s decision to diversify into this
sector, “I am delighted to see our first
community healthcare hub open in No-
ble Park. This centre is testament to
TLC’s ability to recognise a need in the
community and respond to that need
with an integrated service offering.
“Integration of healthcare services
is the way of the future for both aged
care and the Australian healthcare
system in general, with relative clinical
and commercial benefits on multiple