Business View Australia - January-February 2016 107
levels. The Federal Aged Care Minister,
Hon Sussan Ley, has been champion-
ing an integrated approach to health-
care and this centre is a working ex-
ample of integration in action.
In February 2016, TLC opened its
second community healthcare hub at
Belmont in Geelong and is on sched-
ule to open additional hubs at Donva-
le, Altona North and Frankston North
in early 2016.
In February 2016, TLC Learning,
the aged care training division of TLC
Healthcare, was granted registration
as a training organisation. TLC has a
state-of-the-art training facility at St
Kilda Road in Melbourne and on-site
Baldasso Cortese are architects, interior designers & project managers who specialise in the design and delivery of aged care homes. We are client and outcome focussed with over 28 years in practice. Our master planning and design process is interactive, inclusive and reduces operational costs. The vertical high density design of the TLC Clifton Hill Integrated Healthcare Hub project has recently won international praise and an award for ‘The Most Innovative Aged Care Housing Design Globally’ at the Over 50s Global Housing Awards; we also have extensive expertise with the design of both new and upgrades to existing traditional low rise/broad acre aged care homes. Neil Christensen / Director / Aged Care M. 0412 565 801 E. nchristensen@bcarch.net Anthony Baldasso / Managing Director M. 0414 370 437 E. abaldasso@bcarch.net www.bcarch.net | 03 9417 7555 Proud to be a key business Partner of TLC Healthcare BALDASSOCORTESE ARCHITECTURE, INTERIOR DESIGN & PROJECT MANAGEMENT TLC Homestead Estate TLC Homestead Estate TLC Clifton Hill TLC Armstrong Creekwholly owned training facilities in Don-
vale, Noble Park, Frankston and Gee-
long. This division will play a key role
in the TLC’s expansion and in ensur-
ing that the skills of its employees are
continually upgraded so that they are
able to provide the best possible care
to residents.
Lou Pascuzzi explained why TLC plac-
es great importance on training, “The
training and development of our team
is paramount to the success of our
organisation. In-house training of our
staff not only provides TLC with a high-
ly skilled workforce but also opens up
training opportunities to team mem-
bers who may not otherwise under-
take career development.”