30 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
LevenRiverWall and
The Leven River passes through the
centre of Ulverstone. A major project
involving the renewal of the Leven
River seawall was recently complet-
ed. John Kersnovski, Director Infra-
structure Services, described the
work that was done here by Coun-
cil, “There was an old retaining wall
there that was starting to fall to piec-
es and thankfully the State Govern-
ment was able to give us a substan-
tial contribution towards the project
which replaced the wall but then also
allowed us to extend our shared path
“We have a fairly extensive shared
path network. Now we have been
able to take it to the other side of the
river. It is a pathway on top of the re-
taining wall and then it goes for about
700 metres more to the mouth of the
river. We are a very active communi-
ty and Council has plans to continue
with the shared pathways.”
The reconstruction of the seawall
received a $685,000 grant from the
State Government. This sum allowed
the renewal of the seawall with the
Council funding the shared pathway.
The project includes beautification
of the area along with landscaping,