Business View Australia - January-February 2016 33
Glenorchy was declared the national
winner in the Youth Leaders category.
Glenorchy is benefiting from the man-
agement and leadership of the Coun-
cil’s General Manager, Peter Brooks, a
highly experienced local government
and financial executive who contin-
ues to drive the city administration to
achieve great outcomes for the Coun-
cil and the community. Undoubtedly,
this continuing effort is now achieving
nationally recognised results.
One key factor that led to this nation-
al recognition by Keep Australia Beau-
tiful is that the youth of Glenorchy is
instilled with a commitment to sustain-
ability and caring for the environment
from a young age. The City of Glenorchy
supports a range of sustainability pro-
grams and projects for young people
and has an extremely strong commit-
ment to youth development.
The City’s Derwent Park Stormwa-
ter Harvesting and Industrial Reuse
Project also gained recognition at the
Australian Sustainable Cities Awards
2015 and was ‘Highly Commended’ by
the judges.
Derwent Park Stormwater
This project is a superb example of
the impact that an innovative Council
can have in the area that it manages.
The Brooker Highway running through
the suburb had a history of flooding
and there was an urgent need to find a
the City’s three main commercial ar-
eas are Moonah, Glenorchy CBD and
Glenorchy City Council has a strong
commitment to sustainable practic-
es and recently this was recognised
at Keep Australia Beautiful Australi-
an Sustainable Cities Awards 2015.