Business View Australia - January-February 2016 35
ating and energy cost savings of about
$300,000 a year. Part of the project
has also replaced some sports flood-
lights for one of our community facili-
As part of this project, the replace-
ment of lights at the Abbotsfield Park
sports precinct has provided commu-
nity benefits by enabling greater usage
of the facility for sport and recreation.
As the project was undertaken joint-
ly by Hobart City Council and electric-
ity distributor Tas Networks, it yielded
several additional benefits. A single
contractor, Lend Lease, was engaged
for the complete installation. Initial-
ly, a pilot project was taken up when
four different types of energy efficient
lights, all of which were approved by
Tas Networks, were tested in different
streets of both cities. This testing pro-
cess involved approximately 30 lights
of each type being tried out over a
three month period.
The subsequent review process in-
cluded visual nighttime inspections,
light level measurements, assess-
ment of glare, technical assessment
of maintenance issues and resident
surveys in both council areas.
It was only after the receipt of a pos-
itive response from the residents that
steps to complete the project were tak-
en. A total of 2600 new LED lights has
been installed as part of this project.