Business View Australia - January-February 2016 31
lighting, seating arrangements and
Wharf Building
The Ulverstone Wharf Precinct was
developed as a community space to
provide a range of facilities, including
a restaurant, an area for civic or com-
munity events, markets and festivals.
The project was completed in three
phases and includes a pedestrian
thoroughfare and shared pathways to
the CBD. A new bridge over the Leven
River has also been constructed.
The total cost of the project was
$6.3 million. A grant of $950,000 was
received towards this amount. A new
pontoon has also been installed adja-
cent to the Ulverstone Wharf, with a
funding contribution of $70,000 from
Marine and Safety Tasmania. Exten-
sive landscaping has been completed
and a car park has been provided.
Central Coast Council
Recognised for its
Central Coast Council is extremely
well managed and uses its resourc-
es to provide a range of facilities and
infrastructure to residents. The high
quality of work done by Council was
recognised at the 2014 Local Gov-
ernment Association of Tasmania
Awards when Central Coast Council
won the Delivering Excellence – Larg-
er Councils category (councils with a
population of over 10,000) for the fa-
cilitation and development of Penguin
Mountain Bike Park.
The award specifically recognised
that this facility would serve to boost
sport, tourism and leisure in Central
Coast. In addition to this, Penguin
Mountain Bike Park provided the Cen-
tral Coast Council, the Cradle Coast
Mountain Bike Club and Equity La-
bour Services the opportunity to pro-
vide training to the unemployed.
Central Coast Council has done an
outstanding job in meeting the re-
quirements of its residents and plan-
ning for the future. The elected Coun-
cillors and the management team
work together to ensure that resourc-
es are optimally utilised to provide the
greatest benefit to residents.
While presenting the Annual Report
for the Central Coast Council, May-
or Jan Bonde explained the philoso-
phy that drives Council, “Our Council
remains focussed and committed to
creating a culture that values our nat-
ural resources and relaxed lifestyle
and encourages creativity, innova-
tion and economic vitality…Our great-
est asset is our people and we value
strong connectedness, our sense of
place and community spirit.”