Business View Australia - January-February 2016 39
Construction activity at the project is
progressing well and it is expected to
be completed by the end of April 2016.
When the facility is ready it is expected
to attract major sporting events to the
City as well as provide ongoing support
for community organisations.
Glenorchy City Council’s
The Glenorchy City Council has a
strong commitment to community con-
sultation and working with its commu-
nity for the betterment of the city, its
people and businesses. As General
Manager Peter Brooks says: “We are
continuing to develop our vision as a vi-
brant, progressive and community-ori-
entated city and we are working with
our community, business, non-govern-
ment organisations and other levels of
government to make this happen.
“Importantly, we want Glenorchy to
be a sustainable City – financially, eco-
nomically, socially and environmental-
ly – and as a result of this vision and
the policies, practices and structures
we have put in place, we are well on
the way to achieving this,” Mr Brooks
The comments made in this arti-
cle are the personal opinion of Peter
Brooks, not the opinion of the Council.