38 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
other parts of the structure.
As a result of incorporating all these
features, the energy efficiency of the
building has surpassed Council’s expec-
tations. Conventional construction and
energy saving practices would have re-
sulted in an annual energy bill of about
$60,000. Instead, the first six months
energy consumption indicates that the
annual bill will only be $20,000.
In addition to the commendation
from the Australian Sustainable Cit-
ies Awards 2015, the centre has won
a number of other awards. The archi-
tects, Morrison and Breytenbach re-
ceived the Alan C. Walker Award for
Public Architecture and the Colorbond
Award for Steel Architecture.
Vos Construction received the 2015
Master Builders Tasmania Housing
and Construction Excellence Award in
the new construction valued between
$2 million and $5 million category.
King George V Sports and
Community Facility
In June2012, Council was givenaFed-
eral Government grant for refurbish-
ment and upgrading of the KGV Sports
Precinct. Describing this sports facili-
ty, Peter Brooks said: “King George V
Sports and Community Facility is the
major sports facility ground right in the
middle of Glenorchy. It houses a foot-
ball club, grandstands, cricket club,
soccer club and a Council swimming
“We received $8.7 million to under-
take five projects in the precinct and
we wanted to change it from a sports
precinct to a sports and community
facility. We replaced a well-used soc-
cer field with a multi-purpose synthetic
soccer field, which was valued at $1.3
million and that’s now become the fo-
cus for Football Federation Tasmania
as their headquarters and we have
had A-League side Melbourne Victory
come down because of the quality syn-
thetic nature of the pitch.”
In July 2013, Council engaged JAW’s
Architects to design the KGV Sports
and Community Facility. Construction
is in the hands of Macquarie Builders.