Business View Australia - January-February 2016 43
lation of new ground lighting at both
the Campania and Oatlands Recrea-
tion Grounds was completed during
the financial year.
“This was a major infrastructure pro-
ject for Council, and whilst some pre-
liminary planning had occurred, it was
necessary to expedite the project fol-
lowing receipt of a report that the ex-
isting wooden poles had deteriorated.
Council were firmly of the opinion that
this level of investment was required
to support local sporting teams in both
the Oatlands and Campania areas.”
Infrastructure projects
Tim Kirkwood, General Manager of
Council and Jack Lyall its Manager
of Works & Technical Services, dis-
cussed the various infrastructure pro-
jects that Council has recently com-
pleted. Council management uses its
asset management systems, physical
inspections and other means to deter-
mine the assets that need to be up-
graded or renewed.
Speaking about the process utilised
for allocation of the funds available to
it, Tim Kirkwood explained, “We identi-
fy the important projects for asset re-
newal or asset replacement.
“Every council is in the position
that there is insufficient money to do
everything that they want, so we initial-