Business View Australia - January-February 2016 49
The municipal area of Kingborough
Council is located just south of Hobart
and covers 717 square kilometres.
Kingston is its commercial, retail and
administrative centre and the Coun-
cil area includes Bruny Island. King-
borough had a population of about
34,000 in 2011 according to the Aus-
tralian Census. The largest number of
inhabitants resides in the Kingston/
Blackmans Bay area.
The population in themunicipality has
a high growth rate with the Census re-
cords showing that between 2006 and
2011 the number of residents in King-
borough grew by 9%. The comparable
figures for Tasmania and Australia as
a whole are 4% and 8.3% respective-
ly. The growth in population in Kingbor-
ough is the largest of any local govern-
ment area in Tasmania.
Council has done a commendable job
in catering to the requirements of the
growing community and many of its
programmes are in direct response to
the increased demand for infrastruc-
ture and other facilities. The rapidly
growing population puts a strain on its
resources but Council has risen to this
challenge and initiated a number of
projects that have resulted in making
Kingborough the first choice of many
The Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Steve
Wass has successfully steered Coun-
cil in achieving many of its goals and
encourages a can-do attitude within
the organisation which has enabled it