84 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
Strong Information
Technology capabilities
Over the years, Rocke Brothers has
steadily developed its information
technology capabilities so that it can
provide an enhanced level of service
to its clients. This initiative has been
spearheaded by the company’s man-
aging director and back in May 2014,
all the information stored on the com-
pany’s servers was transferred into a
new computer system.
The new software package, which
went live in August 2014, has worked
very well and clients have benefitted
from a number of reports that the
system is capable of generating. The
next phase of systems upgradation in-
cludes live container tracking, a facility
that will provide clients with complete
Pick-up and delivery locations will be
geo-fenced allowing every container to
be date and time-stamped as it pass-
es through the fence. In addition to
this, clients will have access to several
new report formats that will supply in-
formation in real-time.
Adrian Booth explained the compa-
ny’s approach, “Out IT is supplied by
Container Chain who specialise in con-
tainer transport software. We are trial-
ling live tracking at the moment where
the client can log in and just see where
their containers are. The system is
based on the IPad that is sitting inside
the truck.
“The job is sent by the Fleet control-
ler through the IPad and the driver
accepts it. At that point, the contain-
er number attaches itself to that IPad
and this allows the client to track the
container rather than them having to
send an email enquiring about its lo-
Customer service
Rocke Brothers’ greatest strength is
its customer service capability. It has
developed a procedure according to
which each of its clients is allotted to
a specific customer service represent-
ative. This ensures that the custom-
er has a single point of contact when
dealing with Rocke Brothers. That one
person will always address every issue
that the client has.
Customers have found this facility to
be extremely useful as it saves them a
lot of time and allows them to commu-
nicate quickly and efficiently with the
company. The customer service per-
son is also the one who invoices out
the job once it is complete. It helps the
client find answers to its queries quick-
ly and results in a high degree of cus-
tomer satisfaction.
The appointment of dedicated cus-
tomer service teams has also helped
in another way. Fleet controllers, who
earlier used to also reply to custom-
ers, now concentrate on their primary
A recent survey commissioned by