Business View Australia - January-February 2016 87
Rocke Brothers found that its clients
ranked the company’s customer ser-
vice capabilities very highly. Many cus-
tomers deal with more than one trans-
port company. The survey asked these
clients to rank Rocke Brothers against
its competition. The results of the sur-
vey revealed that Rocke Brothers is
well ahead of its
rival transport
A high per-
centage of cli-
ents also rated
Rocke Brothers
as an ideal busi-
ness partner for their organisations
and considered the company a sup-
plier with whom it is easy to do busi-
ness. Additionally, a large percentage
of customers said that they would rec-
ommend Rocke Brothers to other or-
Caring for the environment
Recently the EPA conducted tests
at a few schools that are at some dis-
tance from Rocke Brothers’ premises
and found the dust and pollution read-
ings to be quite high. The company
worked on a program to completely re-
surface its yard. This exercise entailed
an expenditure of about $3 million.
This measure resulted in the site
becoming EPA compliant. Now the
amount of dust that emanates from
Rocke Brothers’ site is minimal.
Growth plans
Rocke Brothers will seek to open an-
other facility in the Dandenong region,
which would result in the company
having a triangle of depots. This would
allow them to provide even more effi-
cient service to customers.
Adrian Booth
speaks about
what drives the
or gani sat i on,
“The most im-
portant thing for
us is the respect
that we get from
our clients – that is paramount for us.
The customer survey that we recent-
ly conducted showed the amount of
trust that they place in us and how im-
portant we are to them.
“We were very gratified with that. We
were especially happy that our clients
saw us as being far ahead of our com-
petitors. That augurs well for the fu-
ture and gives us a base to continue to
grow. We pride ourselves on our cus-
tomer service.”
Preferred Vendor
QP Lubes